Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
U.K. STAR cattle feed |
31 |
UPHAR cattle feed |
31 |
UPKAR SETH JEE cattle feed |
31 |
UPPAL cattle feed +cow |
31 |
VAGISH cattle feed +cow arc |
31 |
VALLABHA POWER cattle feed |
31 |
VANSH cattle feed |
31 |
VARDAN cattle feed |
31 |
VARDHMAN feed industries |
31 |
VELAVAA cattle feed +leaves |
31 |
VETNIC cattle feed +cow |
31 |
VETODOR liquid feed +square |
31 |
VI GOPIKA cattle feed |
31 |
VI VARINDA cattle feed |
31 |
VIGO cattle feed |
31 |
VIJAY cattle feed |
31 |
VISHAL cattle feed +plant |
31 |
WAQIL cattle feed |
31 |
WARIS cattle feed |
31 |
YOGESH cattle feed +leaves |
31 |
YUG NO-1 cattle feed +leave |
31 |
YUVRAJ cattle feed |
31 |
ZEUS feed supplements |
5 |
ZIRA cattle feed mills +ova |
31 |
a-1 cattle feed SHIV AGRO |
31 |
baba FARID KAKKAR feed +ova |
31 |
bcf BAGGAR cattle feed |
31 |
new THIND feed +oval |
31 |
s SUDHARMA cattle feed +ova |
31 |
shree GANESH feed industrie |
31 |
feedback +cartoon |
16 |
BIKROM spoon feeder +birds |
8 |
CF coal feeder +triangles |
39 |
CIRCLE feeder |
7 |
VOGELE power feeder |
7 |
milk care designer feeder |
10 |
FRISOGEN +feeding bottle |
5, 29 |
MYKUTT +feeding bottle |
3 |
DISCOVERY feeds +bird & arc |
31 |
ESKAY feeds +globe & wreath |
31 |
31 |
GODIVA feeds & foods +oval |
31 |
GOOD LUCK feeds +cows circl |
31 |
HATTARKI feeds +triangles |
31 |
HENTECH poultry feeds +oval |
31 |
INDUSS feeds +star & shield |
31 |
JEGAN cattle feeds |
31 |
KAMADHENU feeds +cow |
16, 19, 29, 31 |
31 |
KAVERI feeds |
5 |
KOMARLA feeds +animals |
16 |
KOMARLA feeds +circle |
16, 31 |
KSHEERA feeds +cow & oval |
31 |
LARVIK premium larval feeds |
31 |
MONARK poultry feeds +lines |
31 |
MOTI feeds +animals |
31 |
MOTI feeds +wreath & bird |
31 |
NANDI brand feeds +cow |
31 |
31 |
PARAS pellet feeds +bird |
31 |
31 |
PREMIER feeds +cow |
31 |
PREMIER feeds +star |
31 |
RF RAUSHAN feeds |
31 |
RN feeds +globe |
31 |
feeds |
31 |
SAHIWAL feeds |
31 |
SAIKA animal feeds |
31 |
SANSAR cattle feeds +cow |
31 |
SM feeds +cow |
31 |
VISWA feeds +bird & plant |
21 |
life line's NANDAN feeds |
31 |
s SILPI cattle feeds +cow |
31 |
feel US +horse & arcs |
25 |
feel free +flowers |
5 |
feel good +faces |
3 |
1947 feel free to ask +phon |
9 |
BALOON feel the difference |
25 |
CG G R COMFORTS feel at hom |
43 |
COOLERS feel fresh fabric |
25 |
CUSHY fiber feel cushions |
20 |
DECOFLAIR feel the comfort |
25 |
DID feel good |
25 |
DURO'S FAB ply fabric feel |
19 |
ELAYANILA the feel of music |
38 |
ERICSSON feel secure +ovals |
6 |
FG the feel good store |
3, 25 |
FG-THE feel good store |
14, 35 |
FLH makes you feel light! |
11 |
FN feel now +circle |
3, 30 |
FREEDOM feel it +birds |
25 |
FTL feel the light |
11 |
GFD good feel decore +plant |
42 |
INWAY feel good +arcs |
14, 35 |
KNOCK OUT feel the punch |
32 |
M-feel |
25 |
MYFE makes you feel elegant |
25 |
OTOR feel the love |
3 |
R RECRON micro feel +flame |
23 |
RANGOLI feel the difference |
21 |